Okay, so I’ll be putting together a memory fashion post about Fantage’s fashion choices throughout the years. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, shall we?


The good old days. The golden ages.  When everything was simple: the clothes, the shops, and the graphics. The people were sweet, kind, and friendly. There was no scamming, no people screaming “BAE TRYOUTS” in your ear, and where you could find the old celebrities of Fantage roaming about: Pinkstardust, MooMoo, Red_Ninja, and many more. *Sigh* I miss old Fantage so, so much. Here was what fashion was like back then:

First fashion was simple, for there wasn’t many items to choose from. You basically had the hair, outfit, board, and a simple accessory if you were feeling “snazzy”.

After that, Fantage began expanding it’s fashion choices, and therefore, the selection and pairing of items became more unique and different. Fantagians began to explore fashion.

After December of 2010, the items released exploded and expanded, leading us to the new era of Fantage fashion – 2011 to the Present. Here are the fashion choices and statements Fantagians have decided to follow.

Found this photo and it seems very accurate [ credits to Xuanda0 ]

As a plus, who remembers dressing like this during 2011-2013? 

Comment below if you do!!
