It had seemed like Fantage reopened Mymall with no changes but a few have been found recently.

They Include:


The gold to ecoin exchange booth is no longer in place. Personally I think this is a fair change because gold can be used interchangeably with ecoins;the machine was doing more harm then good (i.e. “hackers” using it to get rid of “hacked” account’s gold).


Non members can no longer buy items from Mymall. Ah, slowly but surely The Smart-People-Who-Run-Fantage™ are pushing Non-Members to buy membership, by stripping away their rights one at a time. I guess, this is understandable ( Fantage wants to make money) although it is a slight inconvenience to it’s players, who now have to pay every month to enjoy one of Fantage’s main attractions. Oh well. 

What do you think of the new changes? Do you think they should have added more/  or not changed anything at all?

– Friendly Neighbor Kat

mmmm ( also the “Best Buyer” list’s avatar is messed up right now, enjoy for a week)